I am not usually the kind of girl that plans outfits days in advance with every detail coordinated and perfect.. but I'm going out tomorrow night.. and I will be wearing this ^^^^^
And, I decided I wanted 1 of these to go with it:

But the Topshop blazer was nowhere to be found, so I got this instead:

£20 less from New Look!! I love the sense of pride when a bargain is found :)
I had a little rant about Topshop before, BUT it suddenly dawned on me why I don't like it when I go in, but everyone else has lots of lovely Topshop goodies... the shops round here are crap and the Topshop is so small they literally cram stuff in, and none of its the good stuff.. just like most other shops round here really, its very annoying. Like the blazer, I don't think they even stocked it here. I couldn't believe my eyes when I went in a shopping centre somewhere else and they actually had STUFF, NICE stuff, piles and piles of it!!!
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