Thursday, 13 August 2009


Vexinthecity has tagged all her readers to do this, which includes me so I'll give it a go! Its the every picture tells a story tag :)

  • Open your first photo folder
  • Sroll down to the 10th photo
  • Post that photo and story on your blog.
  • Tag five others (or more) friends to do the same.

Well.. its cocktails! I don't remember which night out this was, probably not for any special reason. I remember being really excited about proper cocktail glasses (the places I go aren't usually that fancy) hence the picture haha
The cocktail wasn't poured yet, but I love martini glasses, I can't wait to have my own poroper flat so I can fill a cabinet with them!!

I guess I'll just tag anyone who happens to come across this, if you're out there lol

1 comment:

  1. Cocktails are my fave so great photo!
    And good rant about A&F on Tor's blog!
